Brian has been designing barns and implementing the newest dairy technologies for 20 years. Brian began his journey in the industry as a service technician, and today owns and manages both inBarn and a local dairy dealership in British Columbia.
Chris has spent most of his professional life in manufacturing environments, specifically in the plastic injection molding industry where he managed international supply chains. Chris has a keen interest in operations and continuous improvement and is always on the look out for new technology to keep operations moving smoothly.
Amber has 20+ years of accounting experience in a variety of industries including agriculture, real estate, hospitality, sports & entertainment & non-profit. Amber enjoys getting to know the inner workings of companies, not just their finances. When Amber's not in the office she is either travelling, cooking or trying to grow things (jury's out on whether she should still be allowed to torment plants).
Michael is a seasoned professional with international experience in dairy equipment design & manufacturing. He recently visited farms in over 25 countries to better understand the needs of the industry.
Though Teresa grew up minutes from one of the biggest dairy farms in Canada, she is new to the Dairy Industry. She has spent the last 20+ years as a marketing person in the software, media and property management industries. She recently started back at BCIT part-time to complete the degree in Marketing Management that her career in Marketing got in the way of.
Sue has spent her entire life in the dairy industry. From managing small and large dairies to travelling the world consulting on best practices. Sue has an extensive knowledge of the many dairy farming styles globally. Sue has spent the last decade focusing on cow cooling, and design consulting.
Eugene has a long history and experience with Dairy Barn Equipment & Design. He will be a great asset as product manager with his vast experience in designing & servicing cattle handling equipment over the past 30+ years.
Dan has spent the past 7 years working closely with dairy farmers and industry experts to promote, facilitate and Implement cow cooling and ventilation strategies across the globe.
Charla has 18 years of experience in the Dairy Industry. She started on the factory floor with paint prepping equipment to picking parts for the fabricators and organizing inventory. In the last decade Charla has managed Logistics and the Order Desk.
Josh has been working with dairies for the majority of his 20 year professional career. From irrigation to equipment needs, and now for the last 5 years in cow comfort. Projects from small to very large projects, new builds to barn renovations, Josh loves working with dairies to make the best environment for cows across the the US.
Soren completed his studies in electronics and advanced manufacturing at the University of Fraser Valley. He is just starting his career in dairy related technologies and joined the in inBarn team as a Engineering Draftsman.
Jeff is an experienced mechanical designer and industry professional having dedicated his 8-year working career to developing back-of-the-barn dairy solutions. He’s worked with international companies to implement manufacturing, quality, and operational improvements to lower cost and increase efficiency. Jeff is also passionate about animal welfare and enjoys being on farm whenever he can.
Donna has education in bookkeeping and records management, and a background of banking and non-profit occupations. She loves learning new things and dairy farming is full of new things!
Liz has a diploma in Executive Administration, and is the glue that holds this place together!!
Erwin comes to us with a wealth of design experiences in a variety of industries, including military remotely controlled vehicles, sensor systems, IP67 enclosures and contraptions. He is happily focused on applying his skills to enhance cow comfort for the dairy industry. Erwin enjoys being outdoors on a trail or at the range as well as visiting farms.
With a background in China Studies, Bas has worked for equipment manufacturing companies in various industries, both in China and the Netherlands. He brings almost a decade of experience in manufacturing operations and bridging diverse work cultures.
Trae Simmons resides in Carthage Indiana. He is a graduate of Texas Tech with a BS in Animal Science. Teaching, Ranch Management, and Crop Insurance outline his resume over the last 15 years. Trae, his wife Kourtni and son Tylan raise registered beef cattle and enjoy traveling.